
  • Is No-Code Any Good?

    written on June 6, 2024

    I first heard about no-code some years ago on a podcast. They were talking about some of the pioneering tools and platforms, and I was curious about what these founders had to say. As a developer, I was skeptical, always thinking about performance, clean code, maintainability, and other techy stuff. I didn’t get many clear answers back then. Later on, I used one of those tools for an internal project with my team, but my doubts lingered. Fast forward to less than a year ago, and I found myself joining a no-code company as a developer. My friends had a good laugh, joking that I was helping to put an end to our profession. But wow, how my perspective has changed over the past year.

  • Nuxt error page for Netlify

    written on April 9, 2024

    Netlify and Nuxt combined is a good choice for fast prototyping or even final web applications. I recently tried to find the easiest way to have a proper 404 page generated by Nuxt for Netlify deployments. As it was a bit of up and down and delicate configurations, I document it here to my future self how to do it.

  • Striking the Balance: Readable Code vs. Advanced Programming Excellence

    written on February 7, 2024

    Throughout my years in software development, my approach has evolved significantly. One notable shift has been moving away from striving for the shortest, most performant outcome towards creating more maintainable software. In this blog post, I'll explore this transition in depth, evaluating what it means to prioritize readability and maintenance over advanced programming techniques often equated with programming excellence.

  • Vert.x concurrency model

    written on July 7, 2021

    Vert.x is one of Java's gems that are less known but excels in performance and resource efficiency. However, first step in using it effectively is to understand its concurrency model. Recent changes in Vert.x 4 tried to simplify this model a bit, but this still could bring surprises specially for developers having backgrounds in other frameworks.

  • Modular System Implementation Flow

    written on June 6, 2019

    I (and probably lots of people working in partially modern software industry) are constantly facing the questions regarding the best flow for a modular system design and implementation.

  • پول و شادی

    written on August 23, 2018

  • My preferred (integration) testing strategy

    written on April 8, 2018

    Testing and amount of effort put on testing a system or just a piece of code is one of the most important factors implying the quality of resulting software. Here I want to give some insight into what has worked very well for me in the past few years of managing, heading and participating in software development teams.

  • دامین دریون دیزاین، انتیتی ها و ولیوآبجکتها

    written on May 1, 2017

    در درون هر دامنه ایی، دامین مدل قلب یک نرم افزار طراحی شده به روش ددد می باشد جایی که تمام عملکرد و مدل اصلی نرم افزار در آن پیاده سازی میشود. به همین دلیل شناخت برخی الگوهای طراحی و مفاهیمی که در این لایه بسیار مورد استفاده قرار میگیرد از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار است. در این نوشتار به تشریح دو مورد از مهمترین این مفاهیم می پردازم که در پست های قبلی هم جسته و گریخته به آنها اشاره شده.

  • دامین دریون دیزاین، معماری لایه ایی

    written on February 26, 2017

    در قسمت اول و دوم این نوشتار،‌ بیشتر به تشریح کلی مفاهیم بنیادی ددد مثل زبان فراگیر، دامنه و مترجم ها پرداخته شد. در این قسمت آغاز به تشریح و توضیح تکنیک هایی می کنم که درون یک دامنه به کار میروند. به ویژه به اصول طراحی لایه ایی و اساس آن.

  • دامین دریون دیزاین، مفهوم دامنه ها

    written on January 3, 2017

    در قسمت اول این نوشتار به برخی مفاهیم پایه ایی ددد اشاره کردم. در این قسمت بیشتر به بررسی دامنه ها و روش های داکیومنت کردن آنها می پردازیم.

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